~ Katherine Wood & Gidget ~
Hi Vicki,
I just stopped into your website because I was going to tell you we've moved. I'm sorry to hear about your computer. I'll give you our new address, and I have some pictures of Gidget for you. :) I did keep my promise and got Gidget a house with a fenced yard. It's only five minutes away from my work, so I'm able to go home for lunch and play with her a bit. If anyone loves this house it would be Gidget. She loves the yard and the fact that she has the run of the house. She is still using a litter box; however. She doesn't like to go out when the grass is wet and is fine to use the box. I tried to put it away and she was quite miffed. She wouldn't leave the box alone until I put it out for her.
An update on the agility training. We did give it a shot, but Gidget needs a bit more socialization before we go any further. She got to nervous around the other dogs and wanted to be held the whole time. ...Though, she was called as fast as lightening by the coach. We're currently enrolled in a doggy daycare on saturdays to help with mingling with other dogs her size. So far we've been to about four classes and she's beginning to be less nervous around four footed friends.
Everyone loves her especially her mama. :)
Thank-you for having her when I needed her... She's the best thing in my life. :)
I'm sending a few pictures of her. The one with the ball is by far the most "Gidget" she will tear around the backyard at top speed controlling that ball like a championship soccer player. It is one of her favorite games along side, fetch, tug of war, and chasing "fairy's"(flashlights, reflections from cars, pretty much anything that can move as fast as she does.)
Thank-you again,
The beautiful Papillons that grace the pages of this website took over 30 years of pedigree research, skill, knowledge, heartache and dedication, and as a result Crisanda is able to produce lovely, typey Papillons today.
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