~ Welcome To Billings, Montana! ~
There are many photos in the gallery to share with you about our lives, animals, property and home.
Welcome to beautiful Billings, Montana. Crisanda is located north east of Billings, Montana on 20 irrigated acres of shade trees and alfalfa pastures just outside the city limits. This land has allowed us to pursue the various things that make us happy; for me it's my Papillons and Phalènes, and for my husband it is his roses and beautiful gardens.
My mother affectionately christened our home the 2 Lazy 2 Ranch. The 2 Lazy 2 is not a "real" working ranch, it's actually what is referred to as a ranchette. We just like to call it a ranch because the small fact is we are truly to lazy to run a "real" Montana ranch, thus the name! This is where my family is united under two nation's flags; my husband's Swedish flag and the American flag and where my Crisanda butterflies and moths are born, live and play and where are days are full of beautiful animals, gardens and family. I invite you to spend a moment with us to view our "photo album" presentation that depicts our busy but happy life. We want our surroundings to be peaceful and welcoming so our home, inside and out, is flooded with rich, warm, and vibrant colors. We try to bring a touch of class to the country!

Believe me we are thankful each and every day that we have the privilege to live in such a beautiful area of Montana. It's our little piece of the heaven here on earth and we truly know just how fortunate we are to have the opportunity to live here.
When we are not working our time is filled with my three grandchildren, gardening, lots of yard work and critter care; a fifty pound African Serval cat who occasionally responds to the name "Lazzy", and who is of the mindset and attitude he's strictly a ranch foreman and not a ranch hand, three 225# goats, a flock of crowing roosters and cackling hens and two retired show horses. Open land always means natural habitat for wildlife so our lush irrigated pastures, ponds, (and unfortunately my husband's "lush" flower beds and gardens) attract a large assortment of wildlife close to home! We routinely see pheasant, grouse, wild turkey, grazing deer and a pair of nesting crane. There is certainly *never* a dull moment around here, but it's truly is a wonderful place to be and my grand children and nephews would live here full time if their parents would allow it! Our land allows plenty of room for my pretty butterflies and moths to spread their wings, but all of our animals love their surroundings and the wide open spaces. The animals all seem to be happier and healthier because of it, and so are we!

No kennel runs exist here either. My dogs have access to two large fenced grass yards daily for running and playing and a third 3 acre yard for exploring and adventure on the weekends. They are exposed to hours of exercise, fresh air, sunshine, and an occasional farm critter or two. They truly enter their yards each day with zest and the expectation of another huge adventure. My dogs also have a wonderful little "butterfly" house that was renovated just for them, where they have heat/air conditioning, big bright windows, their own washer and dryer and bathtub! They don't care for the latter for sure!
There are many photos in the gallery to share with you about our lives, animals, property and home.
Montana is a north western state bordering Canada to the north and surrounded by four other sparsely populated states to the east, west and south. Needless to say to get anywhere takes several hours and the state is by no means centrally located to dogs shows in any sense of the word. I usually have to use handlers to finish most of my dogs as the closest dog shows are generally a minimum of 8 hours away, and that is one way!! Due to Montana's enormity a dog show in the state takes me several hours to get to one way. If I were to try to show them myself I'd be spending all my time driving and not showing!

Montana is an agricultural state that provides an array of scenery from majestic mountain ranges to wide open spaces of natural habitat for abundant wildlife, cattle and bison. Our climate is generally dry, our humidity low and our weather extreme. Summers are usually hot and winters are usually cold! Occasionally we get a break and the weather is perfect! The state of Montana is enormous and takes 13-14 hours to drive it's width from border to border via it's southern interstate, and 6-8 hours if you were to drive it's length depending on your starting location. The perks to living in such a beautiful, untouched state are endless and I wouldn't call any other state home, but there are of course trade offs and one can't have it all. In addition, dog shows in the region are by no means abundant as this is cattle country, not Papillon country. Last, but certainly not least,Montana has enormous smog free open blue skies. Montana is not called "Big Sky" country for nothing!

Our home is completely surrounded by wide open meadows with beautiful panoramic views and open horizons as far as the eye can see. As you can see from the numerous photos below, that from any direction our beautiful blue skies never fail to put on anything less than spectacular shows. Beautiful majestic thunder clouds can been seen every summer, and the rainbow of colors with each sunset are magnificent to say the very least.
Montana is a beautiful state to visit so if you want to visit a state that will take your breath away this would be it! If you're ever in the area by all means contact me to make arrangements to drop by. I'd love to have you visit. If you can't ever visit in person then I hope you enjoyed your cyberspace visit today. Please come back again soon! The eggs are always fresh, the coffee is always hot, and you are always welcome.
Thanks for stopping by....we loved your visit....please come back again soon!


The beautiful Papillons that grace the pages of this website took over 50 years of pedigree research, skill, knowledge, heartache and dedication, and as a result Crisanda is able to produce lovely, typey Papillons and Affens today.
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