~ Int Ch, Nordic Ch & Finnish Ch ~
Tankan's Phantom 'O The Night
11/5/98/5 - 09/26/12
Born in Norway, this Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish Champion, was imported to the United States after winning his International Championship in Gotland, Sweden. At the time Pringo was ranked # 4 Phaléne in Sweden for the year 1997 and ranked #1 Phaléne for years 1998 & 1999. He is the only Phaléne in Sweden to carry four championship titles from four different countries, and is pointed in United States.
Crisanda was truly honored to have such a fine representative of the Phaléne variety. We send our heart felt appreciation to Monica Larsson of Kennel Molargårdens for this lovely dog. Monica, vi lovar att uppskatta din Pigge lika väl som du har gjort. Ett stort tack för att du har gett oss en sådan fin start med sådan utmärkt hund.

The beautiful Papillons that grace the pages of this website took over 30 years of pedigree research, skill, knowledge, heartache and dedication, and as a result Crisanda is able to produce lovely, typey Papillons today.
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