~ Our little Mexican ~
6/11/2000 ~ 5/20/14

In 2004 I purchased a 2 year old spayed female champion Chihuahua for my mother's Christmas gift that year. Chi Chi, formerly know as Jamaka, had finished her American AKC championship in stiff competition with three 5 point majors. After completing her championship her breeder bred Chi Chi, and she became the mother of two lovely male puppies, but unfortunately soon after the delivery she developed complications and had to be spayed. Feeling so "accomplished" in finding such a nice female for my mother who has absolutely loved and adored the breed for 45 years, I made the long "secret" trip to Missoula MT to meet with Chi Chi's breeder and to bring her home. I could just invision the delight on my mother's face Christmas morning.
After seeing her in person I was actually surprised at how lovely Chi Chi truly was for being a CHIHUAHUA!!! YUCK! So as my and Chi Chi's story goes, somewhere between the hand off and the 6 hour return trip back to Billings, MT Chi Chi got in her little apple shaped head that I was the only connection to her old mom, and I was her only way back to her real mom. So she literally clung to me for dear life! Needless to say I wasn't impressed with the breed's temperament and figured she just needed to have a period of time to "adjust". Boy was that an understatement! To my shock and dismay I found that for the next year NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, could catch or even touch her but me! Needless to say, being a breeder of a lovely breed that has stable, happy, flexible temperaments, I wasn't overly impressed with the Chihuahua breed to say the very least!
Chi Chi was a skilled "manipulator" in every sense of the word, all 9", 6#'s of her! If you have food she would come into your space and then "allow" you to feed her, BUT if you think the trade off is an attempt to get to touch her for a piece of your food treat...oh you were sorely mistaken... oh no that is NOT part of the Chi Chi plan and the deal is quickly off!! After a full year she finally warmed to my husband and other family members due to their patience and gentleness. She learned to come when called, mind when spoken to, and cuddled next to my husband so much I referred to her as a two timing Mexican... oh she who clung so desperately to me for a year! Ohhhhhhh the shame of it all Chi Chi!
Since having this little "God forbid it isn't a Papillon" dog forced upon me by default, I have found the breed to be delightful, dedicated, intelligent, and most of all loving. I quickly learned that Chihuahuas are not dumb dogs, in fact they are quite intelligent. They are skilled, crafty, calculating, and more powerful than any Papillon that I know because what Papillon would have it in them to thumb their nose at you, still get you to do things their way, all the while getting you to act like a complete fool by buying them Christmas dresses,shawls, fur coats,and hats!! No Papillon I have. It's like bad parenting! You tell everyone just how adorable they are as they thumb their nose at you!So who's the dumb one here?
My little partner was a wonderful midwife when I was whelping puppies, she's was as agile as a whippet, as comical as a clown, a good friend to my Papillons,an avid chicken chaser and a very loyal and loving companion! This little girl faithfully greets me each day with a zest that melts my heart. Consequently, to make this very long story a bit shorter, I ended up with another bed dog that wasn't a Papillon and I grew to love her dearly. Merry Christmas Mother. It was the best Christmas gift I could have ever bought for you! As an end result my mother says she is the best kind of dog to own; one that someone else takes care of and cleans up after! So much for purchasing live Christmas presents! Lesson well learned!
It was a devestating loss to all of us that knew and loved her. This little dog stole my heart my heart and I will miss her all the rest of my living days. She was a wonderful little dog. RIP sweet Chi Chi Guma. There will never ever be another little Mexican like you. We love you Chi Chi. Fly free and your little heart is now new again.

If my husband still looks at me like this after 25 years of marriage I have it made!

Who says money talks...

Paris Hilton's Tinkerbell has nothing on Chi Chi!

George in one of his many " Chi Chi" training sessions.
His patience and gentleness paid off...it only took a year!
Rest in peace sweet Mexican. I will miss you deeply.
xooxox, Vickie

Celine Dion
Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again
Fly, fly precious one
Your endless journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace forever more
But hold this memory bittersweet
Until we meet
Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't forget
Fly, fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light

The beautiful Papillons that grace the pages of this website took over 30 years of pedigree research, skill, knowledge, heartache and dedication, and as a result Crisanda is able to produce lovely, typey Papillons today.
All rights reserved